Colorado Farm & Food Alliance » Localvores, Pick Up Your Forks! Oil and Water Don’t Mix

Localvores, Pick Up Your Forks! Oil and Water Don’t Mix

By @ColoFarmFood, crossposted at

Attention has been focused on Denver, as Governor Hickenlooper’s Oil and Gas Task Force finishes its work, mostly avoiding the contentious issues that surround the industrial realities of oil and gas—noise, pollution, traffic, and impacts to land and existing uses—which led to its formation 18 months ago.429416_175203019251951_153723844733202_246416_1541745135_n

Many of Colorado’s farmers, and the farm-to-table restaurants, craft breweries, wineries and sundry other businesses along those lines, meanwhile, were thinking instead of the weather.  Glad for snow, and the hope for a decent water year.

But watching the weather on the advent of spring does not mean many were not also watching what came out of the Task Force, and paying attention to oil and gas development generally, especially where it impacts or threatens business and operations.  And they always have an eye on their water.

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