ColoradoPols » State-funded Science Institutions Host Keynote by Fringe Anti-Science Guy


The wires are abuzz about the latest example of fossil fuel influence attempting to bend science, another Climate Change Denialist hero has been shown as seriously besotted by sooty cash, but failed to note the connection.  His ‘science’ was—in fact—“deliverables” to dirty energy powerhouses, from utilities, coal, oil and gas, the Kochs.

Herd of masai ostriches. Wikicommons/Benh LIEU SONG

Herd of masai ostriches. Wikicommons/Benh LIEU SONG

Meanwhile in western Colorado, the Energy Forum & Expo is also creating a stir.

This annual event hosted by Colorado Mesa UniversityColorado Mountain College, and the John McConnell Math & Science Center (along with the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce, Club 20, and the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado) is known to include a lot of industry cheerleading.

The purpose of the Energy Forum & Expo CO’s is to educate Colorado citizens on the role we can play in meeting our energy needs today and into the future.

That the ‘Energy Forum & Expo’ of Grand Junction organized, hosted and sponsored as it is,revolves around Old Energy boosterism is not a new realization, but this year it is something else that is attracting criticism.

This year the keynote is being given by a fringe climate change denier (and ‘earthquake predictor’), who is a favorite on the Tea Party circuitwingnut radio, and whose ‘expert opinions’ populate articles, between ads for gold, testosterone boosters, and bunker supplies on sites like NewsMax.

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